What separates software engineers from principal software engineers? Mainly communication skills. One of the main communication skills in the principal engineer’s toolbelt is **diagramming**. In this session we’ll discuss different types of diagrams and their purposes. Then we’ll look at different tools we can use to make and share diagrams. Hopefully, we’ll all come out of this with a greater ability to draw boxes and arrows in a way that can bring about better software and teamwork and bigger paychecks.


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Nuno Souto at 17:33 on 17 May 2023

Best talk ever... Thank you for all the information provided, the humour and the amazing song :)

Thank you for the awesome talk. I'm going to start using Mermaid.js on Monday for sure!

Dana Luther at 09:24 on 18 May 2023

This was a great presentation and Jeremy handled the technical issues with aplomb. The “Should have diagrammed it” song was epic, very well done. Having spent way too many hours making diagrams, I greatly appreciated the insight into using the mermaid.js tool.

Nate Finch at 09:56 on 18 May 2023

Awesome talk, great resources, bold singing. No. Notes 😁

Amazing performance and great overview of diagramming.