In year 2000 when PHP 4 just came out, we had functions.php and when it started being big we made functions2.php. When object orientation came out we renamed our databasefunctions.php and put a class around it and called it OOP. PHP by then, was not very mature. I by then, was not very mature. The community by then, was not very mature.

We have come a long way since then! We now believe 12 year old girls on the internet are not FBI agents. We now have type hints, and namespaces, and composer! We have all matured.

Let me share my story of amazing technology that changed my life. I will also share some horrible community experiences, and the awesome ones that kept me going.

Let’s keep growing, because we never really stop.


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Joanna Kus at 16:42 on 25 Apr 2024

I really enjoyed myself at this talk. I found myself connecting with the stories Michelle told about her experiences as a woman on the internet. I'm glad we're moving past a lot of the sexist attitudes that have plagued tech for a long time. And good emphasis on the work to live mindset. Lots of important points made.

A deeply-personal talk that bookends beautifully with Ben Ramsey's keynote this morning. Michelle allowed herself to be very vulnerable and I think we're all better for it.

Omni Adams at 16:53 on 25 Apr 2024

Contemplative talk about the community and where we're headed. Lots of nostalgia along with a bit of bit of bumps and bruises along the way with a hopeful look forward.

Thank you for the talk it was a wonderful story

Your talk touched me deeply.

Don't know if you noticed, but I had on a php|women T-shirt on Tuesday. :)

Pauline Vos at 11:33 on 26 Apr 2024

Incredible talk by an incredible human! I was definitely touched by multiple moments and Michelle reminded me of a few very relatable experiences from her youth as a young girl on the internet.

Ben Ramsey at 19:42 on 28 Apr 2024

Great keynote! Michelle’s talk reminds us that, while we’ve made improvements to be more welcoming as a community, we still have more work to do, and the job rests on all of us to make the community more welcoming and inclusive; it’s not just the responsibility of the underrepresented groups to educate and make changes.