Talk comments

Live demo of Selenium in action FTW...

Discussing actual issues from experienced usage of writing and running Selenium tests was very insightful.

Nice lightweight introduction of CodeIgniter, but the insights from Ed's personal experience really made the session IMO. A future evolution of this talk might do well to highlight a particular target application, showing the general CI usage initially, issues encountered, and how CI allowed certain solutions. I could see such a talk making for a great Tutorial day session.

Very clear coverage of many disparate areas that all lead back to performance. Sara has obvious deep knowledge of the topics she covers... "you _should_ do {foo} but I can't exactly explain why" is _not_ something I saw at any point during this talk.

Very good explanation of concepts, though I didn't exactly come away with a clear picture in my head of _why_ this technique excels at its use case. It would probably have helped me to see a generally familiar practical use case with a common approach, with its performance numbers (not a live demo) contrasted with the performance numbers of a map-filter-reduce approach. Maybe a CouchDB vs. MySQL comparison for a practical data transaction sequence would fit this need.

Ultimately, I came away from this talk feeling like "these are good ideas", but not feeling like I could then convince the next person of _why_ they were good.

Nice variation of topic angles kept the pace of the talk moving, thereby avoiding a particular topic getting stale before moving on. If planning to do this talk again, might consider doing live demo of some of your informal benchmark test comparisons with MySQL.

I walked away from this talk with a better understanding of what SQLite is, what it's best used for, and some idea of what to consider if trying to decide between it and MySQL. Good job hitting your topic goals...

on SQLite3

Was interesting to see these concepts explained and demonstrated. Agree with O'Phinney about showing more use cases to help drive home where these concepts really shine.

Was helpful to see so many tools highlighted for these areas...

Was also very helpful providing a working environment via virtual machines for attendees to follow along with.

Nice coverage of the subject matter. Pace was a bit quick. More interspersed examples might be a good way to flesh the slides out, maybe using an S3 wrapper. Just go ahead and slow the slide content even if you're reading off of them to a degree.

Topic was interesting and slides were well-done, but the speaker's manner didn't convey passion about the subject and he seemed somewhat disengaged from the audience.

Anonymous at 13:58 on 14 Nov 2008

This was fascinating and the speaker was awesomely enthusiastic. The overview of microcontrollers and their significance was enlightening and entertaining. The simulator design presented was fantastically simple and very Pythonic. I can't wait to see where this project goes.