When your PHP app is running on your laptop, it's easy to get the insights you need into the health and functionality of your web apps. Your production deployment topology can be a different story. How will you get the visibility you need to diagnose production failures? Better still, can you design and build systems that degrade gracefully when usage spikes or integrations fail? This talk will present a process for breaking down your application into well-factored segments and architectural patterns that enable self-healing.


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Very good content. I hope to use the self healing and circuit breaker concepts in a project we are working on now.

Bobby Pearson at 21:53 on 22 Nov 2018

Our team really took to the concept of "resiliency vs reliability". The speaker broke it down into easily understood concepts and his demo really drove his points home. We'll consider implementing his circuit breaker pattern in our own system next year. He set a high bar for the rest of the talks; this one was possibly the best one that I attended. Kudos!