
OOP North limited have partnered with Philip Poots to deliver a two workshop for seasoned developers who wish to understand, design, or support Ruby/Rails applications.

Philip is a web application developer who has been using Rails for fun and profit since 2007. He's a regular attendee and contributor at Ruby North East and can be found hanging out on IRC in #rubynortheast or on Twitter as @pootsbook. He works for Audacious Ltd. in Middlesbrough.

Overview & Objectives

Introduction to both Ruby and Rails. By the end of the two days you should know enough to make you dangerous. We will build and deploy a Ruby on Rails application, and understand what all the different parts are and how they're put together. We'll also know the difference between what is Ruby, the language, and Rails, the framework. We will know where to go to continue to develop our skills.

Fundamentals: Classes, Objects, Modules + Methods, Messages
Types: Constant, Symbol, String, Array, Hash, Numbers
Control: if/else, blocks, iterators etc.
HTTP with Rack

M: ActiveRecord + DB
V: ActionView, Layouts, Templates, Partials, Helpers
C: Routing, Controllers, Responders, APIs

Attendee Prerequisites

Please note that this workshop is for seasoned developers who wish to understand, design, or support Ruby/Rails applications. As such, you need to be aware of the following workshop prerequisites:

Attendee (mandatory) Prerequististes:-
Experience in OOP or web development with one of PHP/Python/.NET/Java
Basics of HTTP
Experience with Databases
Laptop with VirtualBox + Vagrant (>1.0)

Attendee (beneficial) Experience:-
Familiarity with *nix command line
Experience with MVC
jQuery (For Rails AJAX)

Schedule & Venue

Day 1 (Thursday, 26th July)
09:00 to 09:30 - Welcome/Setup
09:30 to 12:30 - Workshop
12:30 to 13:30 - Break/Lunch
13:30 to 16:30 - Workshop

Day 2 (Friday, 27th July)
09:00 to 09:30 - Welcome/Setup
09:30 to 12:30 - Workshop
12:30 to 13:30 - Break/Lunch
13:30 to 16:30 - Workshop

The event will be held at the Post Office, on Pink Lane, in Newcastle City Center.

Lunch will be provided on both days and will consist of a 6" Subway sub, a bag of crisps, and a drink of your choosing.

Should you have any any questions about the workshop, please direct them to [email protected].