Talk in English - UK at ScotlandPHP 2017
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The Cloud Native Computing Foundation, founded by The Linux Foundation, currently oversee's the guidance of Kubernetes, Prometheus, OpenTracing, Fluentd, and more. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation describes being "Cloud Native" as three major components:
Each part (applications, processes, etc) is packaged in its own container. This facilitates reproducibility, transparency, and resource isolation.
Dynamically orchestrated
Containers are actively scheduled and managed to optimize resource utilization.
Microservices oriented
Applications are segmented into microservices. This significantly increases the overall agility and maintainability of applications.
In this talk, I will guide you towards taking your application cloud native, utilising the software available to us today, from the CNCF, and others, covering containers, tracing, logging and service discovery ... as well as the dreaded: "What actually is a micro-service?"
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Great overview, without being overwhelming. Lots to follow up on
Had no idea that configuration for support services through Kubernetes was so straightforward and plug-and-play! Particularly around mTLS.
Awesome content, but the speaker talked a bit too fast for all the non natives (pun intended)
Great content, speaker spoke a bit quick and covered a lot of information rapidly at the beginning of the talk. Lots to learn and take away
Great talk, plenty of information and option to explore after that. Talker communicated very well about the potential of the solution presented.
Good talk overall with some useful information and pointers to resources; even if slightly biased towards the opinion that *every* app should use microservice architecture regardless of size, scale and purpose. Some of the terminology, products, services, methodologies etc could have done with some basic descriptions for those not familiar with them.
Really interesting talk, I liked how much you can get for free with some of the tools.
I'd give it a five if I saw some screenshots of dashboards and charts :)
Lots of content and I left with _lots_ of things to google and find out more about
Good overview from David, lots of content.