Open Source, PHP, and PIE


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Anonymous at 09:52 on 8 Feb 2014

Excellent presentation! I'm better for having heard it.

Anonymous at 09:58 on 8 Feb 2014

very interesting presentation.

Well presented, very good audience engagement.

A nice look at the history of tooling around PHP, with a good takeaway message. Well delivered and overall a great talk.

Good presenter, passionate, and knowledgeable.

A good look at the history of the PHP community without the usual ragging on magic_quotes and register_globals. A passionate, eloquent speaker, gets the audience excited about whats coming next. Thanks!

Well presented, engaging and a very good summary of the last years in PHP world.

Larry is a very enthusiastic speaker and was good for the opening keynote. I think he would also be good for the first talk after lunch to wake everyone up!

Started off a little slow, but by then end became a presentation that I wish our entire organization could view.

This was a well-polished and inspirational talk. Loved the history section at the beginning. This talk delivered a great message, and I hope we can all find a way to work towards real sharing.

good summary and keynote, i would have liked to see in more concrete ways how this sharing goes on the side of drupal or in existent generic type of codebases. It has picked my interest on how drupal is using symfony2, thanks for the perspective. One thing that was missing is to present the state of the art and future architectures/libraries where this sharing happens nowadays and will possible happen on FOSS more specifically.

Well-done presentation on interesting, applicable topics with a clear call to action. In short, an excellent keynote.

I hadn't actually heard @crell speak before. He is a very polished and effective speaker. The topic was well presented (even if one might disagree with it), reasons given, and clearly argued with calls to action. Bravo.

This was a very interesting and well presented talk. His honesty and vision for PIE in PHP, using Drupal 8 as an example was great and I look forward to implementing this at work and my own projects as well as encouraging others to do so.

This talk had all the things a good keynote should have in my opinion: Humour, inspiration and great content. Thank you for an awesome presentation that set my mood for the rest of the day.

Awesome. Making less code in the world right now.

Excellent presentation. Many tweetable moments. I told you this in person, but I will say it here also: your talk makes the PHP community proud of sharing good code. I used to call it "OPC" for "Other People's Code" because it seemed like every bug my company ran into was with some library for integrating with a gateway or a shipping rate service. We ended up doing everything from scratch. Today, things are different. Today, after your talk, I felt proud our team is contributing to Twig.js to add more features. Prior to your talk I wasn't as excited because I was only thinking about deadlines. :)

One of the best talks of the conference. Larry has some interesting opinions and is involved in a project (Drupal) that is currently in need of help and that is implementing the ideas that Larry is spreading.

I also like Larry's presentation style: it's very dynamic, entertaining and engaging which I like.

I've just become a Larry Garfield fan and I'll definitely check out some of his future talks.

This is the second time I've seen this talk and it was just as good the second time. I love the overview of why NIH was such a big part of the culture of PHP and how it was slowly reversed leading up to the last few years of PIE.