Talk in English - US at SunshinePHP 2015
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Breakout 2
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Your API Is Bad And You Should Feel Bad
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Good overview in the short amount of time available.
I liked the PUT/POST differentiation but would have rather sped through most of the topics and skimmed oAuth or some other popular APIs in detail and pulled out design notes from those more concrete examples.
I thought this was a very good talk, maybe I generally like Ben's approach based around pragmatism and standards rather than an emphasis on "do A, B and C and your API will be awesome." I would have liked to see some more specificity, either in code examples or in case stories (1-2, given that's only an hour), but I got a lot from this talk regardless.
This was a very good overview and paired well with the more code-centric REST talks later in the conference.
Great talk, a lot of good ideas in a short amount of time. Would like to have seen the second half expanded and the first half reduced.
Great talk, a lot of good ideas in a short amount of time. Would like to have seen the second half expanded and the first half reduced.