APIs to your brain


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This talk was a really interesting look into the some neurotech hardware and what is being done with it. I loved seeing the tangible applications of the technology. In future versions of this talk, I'd love to see a bit more applicable coding, maybe some examples of very simplistic scripts that could be written to interact with the technology being discussed.

Steve Grunwell at 00:44 on 6 Feb 2016

The best conference talks are often those that present a new concept or technology, show you some of the work going on in the field, and force you to ask "what if I could do ____". Ibis had the room captivated with the possibilities presented by low-cost neurotechnology and turned the room onto the possibilities of what can be done with the technology.

Warning: if you *really* like building CRUD apps and generating reports, this talk may make you reconsider the value of every piece of software you've ever written. Sorry (not sorry).

Fascinating and inspiring! I think it's so important to include both new/future technologies and real-world applications to remind us why we do what we do.

Very interesting information and talk. I will definitely research more about this.

Alena Holligan at 17:18 on 6 Feb 2016

Exciting and motivational to git involved in a new and evolving technology. Enthusiastic and great samples and ways to get started. Adding how scanning the brain during regular audio and visual stimulation can be used to help people with brain related issues by just changing audio and visual inputs.

Cory Fisher at 06:13 on 8 Feb 2016

Good introduction to the subject. As a follow up I'd like to see how a developer could mix science and technology to actually solve the problem.

I'm still thinking of ways we could help those who need using technology on the level presented.
It was a really good and interesting talk. It's great to see how beyond we can go.
I'll definitely search more about it.

Lane Staples at 10:51 on 9 Feb 2016

This is a favorite topic, and I was delighted to see it featured and covered well. The overview of core concepts was great, and the speaker also did an exceptional job inviting people to get involved and making that idea approachable. Very excited to see the new open source kits become available this summer! Thank you for engaging us with this amazing field of study and experimentation!

What an amazing topic. Helping people with real problems. Brilliant!!

Salvi Pascual at 21:32 on 11 Feb 2016

Sadly I missed this talk, but I sow it before in a previous event, and I know Ibis rock. This talk is exciting and novel, and Ibis knows how to keep completely engaged in a brainwash of gorgeous knowledge, for what seems to be the quickest 30 minutes of your life. All the good reviews are for a reason.