Talk comments

Bernhard did a great job making a complex topic easy to understand. Good use of slides!

Bernhard did a really really good talk. Advanced forms management techniques now look so much simpler thanks to his clear explanations and lots of drawings. Thank you very much for the hard work you made building the form component and this talk.

Really liked the examples at the end. Glad you touched on humility. That and listening/learning/joining the community are things I didn't really "get" when I first started trying to contribute to OSS projects and it went poorly. :) Could have used this talk several years ago!

Very insightful, refreshing and motivational. Really solid for being your first time giving the talk. I like that you touched on a ton of different ways people can contribute to open-source code, which aren't always the obvious ones like writing code. Everyone should feel like they can contribute something to their favorite project after listening to this. Also good insights into some of the development/contribution culture surrounding Symfony2. The clone pictures of Lukas, Stof, Ryan and Fabien were hilarious!

Very enjoyable talk! Loved it :)

Nice high-level overview of the internals about how install/update works. Great list of useful commands and different ways to handle different types of issues/installs.

I didn't get chocolate but it was still a great talk. :)

Great party! Nice venue and the Beatport people were awesome. :)

This was a blast!

This was a great walk-thru on Silex. Super fast but hit a lot of important things and showed it in a way that was pretty easy to follow.

You went pretty fast, but I think that's OK because there is so much to cover. You did a great job of showing many of the ways Silex can be extended to do almost anything, even a simple Backbone.js app. Nice caveats for when to reevaluate using Silex and maybe jump to a full-stack framework.