Feature Flags with Symfony


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Awesome talk, very accessible, Benjamin is a great talker.

Great talk, the topics were well presented and the code helped a lot to understand the subject.

Nice talk! With somme great pièce of code.

Feature flags with @Symfony let us reflect on very concrete implementations as inspired by @martinfowler, @Yahoo! and as seen also at labs @ Quandidate.com . Thank you for the great talk!

Great talk! Of course, feature flags are a conceptually simple thing, that I'd guess most people have already used, but this talk presents some very good techniques on how to use feature flags without cluttering your code with crazy dependencies everywhere.

Awesome Talk! Implemented right away!

Awesome Talk! Implemented right away!

Awesome Talk! Implemented right away!

Awesome Talk! Implemented right away!

Awesome Talk! Implemented right away!

Awesome talk!
It shows how to decouple the feature flags in a very easy way.

Very well delivered talk. I would only add few more real life examples to demonstrate usefulness of feature flags, and potentially mention why it's often a better solution than bloated workflows like git flow.

Great to here about feature (toggle|flag|switch|whatever) at the Symfony level.

This talk was promising because the problem that approached is very interesting. However, I found that the solutions proposed were very clumsy and promoted bad practices, like putting listeners everywhere, which is not really desirable. There are more more advanced and interesting solutions that I would had like to see.

Anonymous at 11:03 on 28 Nov 2014

Great coverage of how to implement feature flags.

A bit less interesting than expected.

Great talk, something to take back to the git-flow-obsessed office

Anonymous at 16:42 on 4 Dec 2014

I liked this talk because this functionality is really simple and Benjamin explained how easily you can implement it with Symfony in a matter of minutes.