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This should have had a longer slot. Any time you bring up multiple people on stage, having a longer slot makes the talk less rushed.

It was great to here important personalities which lead to Symphony improvement around the code things.
Just one thing, to be sure, did the talk was complete?

I found the talk somewhat unrelated to the Symfony world. We expected to see more news about the Symfony world, like what are the plans for the 3.0 version, new features being developed, etc. I didn't like the lessons in UX from the webpage, I found it totally unrelated and a little weird.

Anonymous at 10:53 on 28 Nov 2014

Anonymous at 11:59 on 28 Nov 2014

So, the great news for Symfony in 2015 is going to be a website where hackers could search for a list of websites developed with Symfony in case - I hope not - a vulnerability is ever found?

Nice keynote but I missed some news and future Symfony 3 features.

Anonymous at 22:15 on 28 Nov 2014

Nice keynote and some good news but I missed some news and future Symfony 3 features.