Talk comments

A bit too much focussed on advertising, but very well delivered.

Very nice architectural information.

Way too basic for the audience and speakers showed arrogance towards crowd when trying to interact with crowd with questions that were too simple.

Eamon Woortman at 09:36 on 8 Jun 2016

Humor and seriousness was well-balanced and a joy to watch overall.

Entertaining and informing, without being too daunting for less techy people.

The presentation was slow and speaker said "like" too many times.

Very nice anecdotes and use of the triple screen for the slides.

Narcis Cruceru at 09:21 on 8 Jun 2016

interesting at least

Ahmed ElSawaf at 14:03 on 6 Jun 2016

Amazing talk, with real world example

Arnoud Vermeer at 13:04 on 3 Jun 2016

I've seen this talk for the second time, but I still get reminders of things that I can improve on.