Opening Keynote - Stop, Collaborate, Listen


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Comfortable speaker, didn't budget time well.

Enjoyed his speech. Funny guy! I'm waiting for the public apology about his ECU comments.

:-) Kidding.

nice start to the conference.

Talk was informative. A bit long. Sports comments not required

A lot of information, good speaker...feel a bit sorry for ECU football :-(. Hang in there Pirates!


It is great to get a birds eye view like this from time to time. There are a lot of things going on at GA that I probably would have never heard about otherwise. Didn't like the format very much.

Very informative.

A little too packed with information at times. Less information per slide would've helped a lot.

meh. Far too many sports references for such a diverse audience. Good info, could have had better time management

Would have liked to have heard the end of the talk. Hope he will continue to communicate with IT across the system and state by all means possible.

Not much information on upcoming projects, direction and strategies. I feel time would have been better spent on these items rather than on what they do. Sports references should have been left out. Time management could have been improved.