vueday 2022 is the 4th edition of the Vue conference, from the GrUSP Team - organizer of events like jsday.
Visualize your State Management with XState
Maya Shavin
A11Y with Vue - Can everyone reach your application?
Geiseany Domiciano Bispo de Almeida
Reusable components: maintain clean code efficiently
Anna Vovchenko
The !magic show: Taking a Vue at Web 3.
Sybren Willemot
'I need it yesterday!' - The secret story of MDS 🌶️
Luca Iaconelli
Images blast off at the speed of Jamstack!
Alba Silvente Fuentes
Large Scale Nuxt Architecture
Fotis Adamakis
Is it time to migrate to Vue 3?
Denny Biasiolli