A guided tour through my Docker workflow from development through production. We'll take a look at all the moving pieces and walk through the decisions that were made. In this workshop, we'll walk through setting up a similar workflow from an empty editor.


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Joseph Lavin at 11:04 on 20 Sep 2018

Lot's of good info! Would appreciate a little more structure & overview before jumping into the commands.

Jack Peterson at 11:08 on 20 Sep 2018

I really enjoyed this talk being focused more heavily on the commands and walking through docker. I gained some good insight into using docker as a more convenient way to run multiple versions of packages on a host operating system where the default package manager may not support simultaneous installations of different versions of some executable. Very nice!

Andy Snell at 10:43 on 22 Sep 2018

Good talk -- strong on the "development" side with some great one line take-aways, but for those of us that already use docker in day-to-day development, it would be nice to spend some more time on transitioning to production.