Faced with legacy PHP code many decided to rewrite, thinking it will be easier, for many reasons this can be wrong. Adam Culp will talks about the entire journey of refactoring a legacy PHP codebase. We will begin with assessment and why, cover planning how and when, discuss execution and testing, and provide step-by-step examples. Attendees will gain insight and tips on how to handle their own pile of code and refactor happy.


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Oscar Merida at 11:57 on 20 Sep 2018

A little too much time up front talking more about tooling. I would have preferred seeing more code examples and showing how to add an autoloader.

Joseph Lavin at 13:27 on 20 Sep 2018

Lot's of useful info. Personally I would have liked to see more refactoring code examples.

Incredibly practical, exhaustive, and understandable. Full of no-nonsense direction on moderm PHP development to boot.

Tim Lytle at 10:50 on 21 Sep 2018

Really good overview of refactoring, as well as the best order of attack. Would have liked a little deeper dive into some real code examples.

Andy Snell at 10:48 on 22 Sep 2018

Good talk -- I was hoping for more application and less overview

David Quon at 09:58 on 24 Sep 2018

Enjoyed the scope and breath of the talk. Thought it covered come great areas ripe for refactoring and I was okay with the higher level take rather than digging down deep into details. Refactoring usually is a thought process as examples usually cannot be applied directly for everyone.

Lance at 10:53 on 25 Sep 2018

I liked this talk very much and also the brutal honest truth that refactoring is a process. This talk seems all about "Kaizen" without expressly saying it.