Keynote in English - UK at WebCamp Zagreb 2016
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The Code Manifesto: Empowering our community
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Really good talk and an important topic for discussion. Happy it was the keynote.
broken presentation aside, the talk was interesting. The speaker spoke in detail about the "women in IT industry" problem, at least from his experience and perspective. Good choice for keynote. Inspirative
I loved this talk, and it's speaking to the right (mostly male) audience at this event.
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Good talk
Great topic! Even with some technical hiccups, message was sent, and already started some hallway discussions. Great work!
We need to talk more about it, to educate everyone, to be more aware of those events that make days more darker while we think that's the way it should be, we 'just need to tough up'. We don't, we need to be more sensible. Thank you for speaking up aloud and reminding us all. Surely we need it, every day, until we can say that we changed the world for the better and everyone finally feel appreciated and respected :)
Great insight and topic to think about. Great delivery.
Great insightful and (unfortunately) necessary talk. Too bad the slides were sometimes unreadable because of the powerpoint conversion, but Graham rolled with it and this is really where good presenters shine.
I felt that some topics could connected a bit better, so the story "flows" better.
Other than that, it was a very good opening keynote and it gave us all something to think about.
Sign The Code Manifesto!
Great talk Graham! The male privilege slide was on point since none of the previous applied to me, thanks for that.
posted wrong before...
Political tirade.
3 good points and 30 bad ones.
Presentation quality was poor. A couple of good points were made, but all in all I wasn't impressed
Brilliant talk! Everything to the point and also gave much more to think about.
Equality, justice and fairness in all things is truly a worthy goal and the author of this talk attempted to explore an issue which is in one way or another observed and/or exeprienced by both genders throughout the history in different regions and cultures.
The author had a lot of negativity bias in his research and life experiences which was observed in various points made in the talk and for me, made this keynote talk really depressing.
Kinda felt like the point of talk was that women should be treated differently because in order to make them feel equal, you should watch your mouth and behaviour around them.
But hey, it gave us a good office punchline, we all react to stuff with: that's disgusting! :)
Very good talk on the issues, something that will hopefully open up some eyes in out small community and make us better people & colleagues.
With the broken presentation font (due to keynote2pdf exporting) it was visible that it bothered Graham too and that smoothness and the flow possibly suffered from it :( .
I know it's not an easy talk to do, but I would prefer keynotes to be a bit more empowering/motivating that this one was.
Really great and inspiring talk by Graham! Not only his talk but his story itself is amazing. It was interesting to hear comments after this talk too. It was delivered to the right audience.
Excellent example of what keynote's not supposed to be.
Issues stated are of general nature and not necessarily gender or IT related.
Bit weird selection of opening talk, but hey... Anyway, I see your points, as someone mentioned in comments, few good ones and a bunch of presumptions and putting general IT crowd in the same basket and yes, we can tell that, same as you can tell that we cannot deny this. You are not so right as you think you are. I mean, maybe US and European values are totally different in this branch. This is really on the edge and probably we could spend hours and hours discussing this based on our subjective opinions/experiences without being totally objective.