Caching on the Edge


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Very good pace. A thorough explanation of how caching works. I learned a lot. I promise to go read the HTTP 1.1 specs.

I learned a lot about all those http caching parameters I've seen for a decade, and never fully bothered to learn. I was very happy with the progression--learning each new topic on top of the previous one.

My only regret was having to sneak out early. I'm so very sorry for that--was completely unrelated. :-)

This was a great class. Learned more than I want to know about caching. I really enjoyed the hands on experience and the slides did a great job of illuminating the information that was given.

Excellent tutorial. Hands on exercises were great!

Wow. I learned a TON. The audience interactivity and ability to see live examples was very helpful. More tutorials should be like this.

Great talk, did not realize the age of some of this information. Learned lot's and going home with lot's of homework and even learned to pronounce Fabien correctly!

Excellent! I walked away with alot of old ideas that were new to me.

Best talk of the day, thanks for all the information.

great talk, the best so far, very useful

The best tutorial of the day

Great talk; loaded with good information and well presented.

It was a great talk - incredibly in depth. I'll admit that I'll probably never use 75% of the advanced cases - they're simply too complicated to manage.

Very informative on a topic that web developers should, myself included, be better familiar with.

A bit disappointed that the majority of the talk had to be a tutorial on HTTP server/browser caching just to discuss ESI.

Also, 90% of the talk was published a day or two before (if you follow @fabpot):

If you've done your research/reading, the talk didn't focus enough of ESI implementations and mostly concepts.