Big Data 2.0


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Anonymous at 13:39 on 28 Oct 2014

The speaker needs to see a doctor, or at least take a cough drop or something.

Anonymous at 14:25 on 28 Oct 2014

Slides contained way too much information that was not covered in the talk. Also, the talk itself was overly generic and I perceived it pretty much as "blah blah". Very generic. I think the python notebook stuff was even meant for a different crowd not because this is a PHP conference but because it is geared to a different target audience.
On a side note, it is understandable that the speaker might have a health issue but if you have to cough every other word, please cover the mic as it is very distracting.
To recap: please, add more ACTUAL content, and less info on the slides. Make info in the slides directly relevant to the talk (reading a massive amount of text while listening to an endless speech is very hard). The speaker needs to learn to give a talk: speech inflection and tone really matter (this talk was very monotonous).

I counted the backronym "PHP" said four times, and seen it thrice in slides. Furthermore, seeing an "IBM" guy using an Apple was painful. Overall the talk wasn't remotely relevant to the crowd, though since they're a sponsor, I can still see why they had a central talk spot -- Sad that Hall A was locked down, unless you walked in a door the 3' tall guard wasn't watching.

Anonymous at 16:00 on 28 Oct 2014

I questioned the applicability of this talk for Zendcon, however it was quite appropriate for the challenges that I face in my job with ever increasing needs for data accessibility for our business analysts.

I am very glad this was on the agenda.

Anonymous at 18:01 on 28 Oct 2014

Not very relevenat, I think, but then I'm just a "lowly developer"
The demo with the data, where you "compare two datasets" by showing their data in separate graphs beside each other, was like an intro course in Excel.

Anonymous at 09:45 on 29 Oct 2014

Liked the demo pieces but otherwise the talk was irrelevant

Anonymous at 09:59 on 29 Oct 2014

Anonymous at 10:20 on 29 Oct 2014

Not very relevant and the speaker was not engaging, I'll also reiterate the first comment about giving that guy some cough drops!

Anonymous at 11:29 on 29 Oct 2014

Some interesting content was discussed at the end, but no resources were given for LiveSheets or anything about what IBM was working on or when the concept demonstrated would be released.

Ok guys this is good stuff. Get over that everything is not written in PHP.

I will be looking into Notebooks asap.

Notebooks? Are we talking about Laptops? IPython? Where was PHP in this talk?

This was a well prepared and well delivered but I thought that this was only aimed at small part of the audience. I didn't personally find any benefit in this talk.

Anonymous at 16:28 on 29 Oct 2014


I didn't find this relevant, would have preferred a shorter noon keynote (or none at all) and more breakout sessions. It is a hard sell for future education dollars when I take back stories of sessions like this. I need more value. This plenary speech meant some worthy breakouts got bumped in its favor.

great to see what can be done with Big Data 3.0. The opportunity to access this with PHP is equally great. I would have liked to seen more about it.

Might be a good point for those looking at Big Data involvement.

Anonymous at 15:59 on 4 Nov 2014

Talk wasn't even remotely relevant, and the speakers knowledge of current technology and the industry seemed pretty off, I'm not even sure how he has a job in the tech industry to be honest.