Talk in English - US at ZendCon 2016
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10 things you didn't know you could do with Composer
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Concise list of things I didn't know. Speaker asked for questions after each section and I appreciated that.
Learned a lot and appreciated the layout of the presentation.
Really informative...packed a lot of content in a short space without really feeling rushed.
This talk was a welcome breath of fresh air for developers who have been using Composer for a year or two and have come to understand the day-to-day tool-set, but have begun to encounter more fringe cases that demand a deeper understanding.
Mr. Schwisow was very knowledgeable regarding the subject-matter at hand, and his delivery was clear and articulate. He was able to answer any question that was raised with authority.
I would recommend attending his talks.
Great talk! As a long time Composer user, I came into this talk thinking "10 things *I* didn't know I could do with Composer? Oh really? Let's see about that!" Even though a lot of it wasn't new for me (not the speaker's fault, I've been using Composer a LONG time), but I still got A LOT of useful stuff out of this that I didn't know about before like --classmap-authoritative, conflict/replace/provides, and show/why/why-not, so I'm glad to chose to attend this talk.
If the speaker hasn't already built a talk around the "10 Things You Already Knew..." intro slide for complete beginners to Composer, he absolutely should!
Great info, some things I didn't know, and I will be looking into the other things. Thanks
Very good. I'll review the slides to be sure I didn't miss any gems.
Was very informative