Search results for tag "afup"

Forum PHP 2024

10 - 11 Oct 2024 @ Hotel New York - The Art of Marvel

The biggest PHP event organized by the French PHP user group, organized for the third time in Disneyland Paris, at the Hotel New York - The Art of Marvel ! During two days, on October 10th and 11th, e…

0 comments | 2 attending

Forum PHP 2023

12 - 13 Oct 2023 @ Hôtel New York - The Art of Marvel, Disneyland Paris

The biggest PHP event organized by the French PHP user group, organized for a second time in Disneyland Paris, at the Hotel New York - The Art of Marvel ! During two days, on October 12th and 13th, en…

0 comments | 11 attended

AFUP Day 2023 Lille

12 May 2023 @ université catholique de lille

The 5th edition in Lille for our multi-destinations conference, organized by our local PHP users groups and led by AFUP, the French PHP users group.…

0 comments | 1 attended

AFUP Day 2023 Lyon

12 May 2023 @ C.P.E Lyon

The 5th edition of our multi-destinations conference, organized by our local PHP users groups and led by AFUP, the French PHP users group. Back to Lyon after 2 years far from the city, we look forward…

0 comments | 1 attended

Forum PHP 2022

13 - 14 Oct 2022 @ Hotel New York - The Art of Marvel

The biggest PHP event organized by the French PHP user group, organized in brand new headquarters : let's go to Disneyland Paris, at the Hotel New York - The Art of Marvel ! During two days, on Octobe…

0 comments | 13 attended

AFUP Day 2022 Lille

20 May 2022 @ Le Gymnase

AFUP Day is our multi-destinations conference, organized every spring by our local PHP users groups and led by AFUP, the French PHP users group. Exceptionally, it will be held in Lille only in 2022,…

0 comments | 2 attended

Forum PHP 2021

21 - 22 Oct 2021 @ Conference Center Novotel Paris-Est

The biggest PHP event organized by the French PHP user group, back for "in real life" edition. Join us in Paris, on October, 21st & 22nd : during two days, enjoy the company of our friendly audience,…

0 comments | 27 attended

AFUP Day 2021 Lille / Rennes - online edition

28 May 2021 @ Online

The 3rd edition of our multi-destinations conference, organized by our local PHP users groups and led by AFUP, the French PHP users group. This year, the event is held online, and welcome 2 tracks on…

0 comments | 10 attended