jsday 2023
jsday 2023 is the 12th edition of the Italian JavaScript conference, organized by GrUSP, organizers of events like phpday, reactjsday and many others.…
jsday 2023 is the 12th edition of the Italian JavaScript conference, organized by GrUSP, organizers of events like phpday, reactjsday and many others.…
jsday 2022 is the 11th edition of the Italian JavaScript conference, organized by GrUSP, organizers of events like phpday, reactjsday and many others.…
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, …
nodejsday, previously known as Node.js Italian Conference, it's an international conference dedicated to Node.js. Started and formerly organized by WEBdeBS is now organized by GrUSP, the organizers of…
ConFoo is a conference dedicated to the web development best practices. It is multidisciplinary and includes topics such as PHP, Ruby, Java, Python, UX, project management, mobile, Artificial Intellig…
The sixth edition of @nodejsconfit will be held on November 16th 2018, in beautiful Verona, Italy. Node.js conf It is an international conference dedicated exclusively to #nodejs development, framew…
ThunderPlains is a web and mobile developer conference that focuses on JavaScript and related technologies that make the web interesting. ThunderPlains is organized and backed by the Techlahoma Fou…
Die „unKonf“ ist eine UnKonferenz und richtet sich an interessierte Software-Entwickler die sich zu aktuellen Themen gemeinsam austauschen möchten. Eine Unkonferenz ist Veranstaltung ohne festes Progr…
Today, virtually every business trusts in the power of JavaScript and related high-level frameworks such as Angular, React, and NodeJS. While we are eagerly waiting for IPC and webinale to come in lat…
The Team behind Agent is partnered with „Plattform für digitale Initativen" Our goal is to get the best speakers from around the World to help Dornbirn become an innovation HUB in Europe.…