We’ll dive into how and why Foxy.io started augmenting and replacing portions of a large monolithic PHP application with serverless infrastructure on top of AWS’s Lambda. We’ll cover using serverless to replace legacy components, allow end users to run server-side code in a safe and quarantined manner, and even automate infrastructure changes (like adding rules to AWS’s Web Application Firewall).


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Darren Wright at 16:26 on 3 May 2019

Good overview of the process the speaker took to move legacy processing to serverless and good things to consider if wanting to go serverless. Good talk

Marion Sartor at 17:07 on 3 May 2019

Brett did a great job explaining serverless and how to transition a large monolithic application to make use of serverless technology. Using foxycart development helped in understanding the concepts.

Philip at 19:40 on 3 May 2019

good intro and real world examples

Roger Creasy at 20:07 on 3 May 2019

This talk is a great overview of serverless. It means a lot that Brett speaks from experience and is able to give real life examples. I admire that he shares mistakes that he made, and does so with the intent of helping others avoid making those same mistakes. He also adds just the right amount of humor to keep it from being dry. Great talk.

Steve Grunwell at 10:39 on 4 May 2019

A great introduction to the key ideas behind serverless with straight-forward, easy-to-follow steps.

Brett did well presenting based on experience on serverless and explained the topics clearly and in an understandable way. Great talk.

Roy Hughes at 14:36 on 4 May 2019

I enjoyed this presentation; especially since our organization is currently implementing serverless on a bit by bit basis.