The last ones who told me I could learn from a plush toy were my daughters. Of course, I acknowledged. Yet, it dawned on me : after ten years of life, the PHP plush has achieved so much ! It went to the White House and Antarctica ; it spawned forty thousands offsprings and a jet-set generation of collectors ; it built bridges within and outside the community.

Nowadays, it is alive and kicking. It still reviews my code, casting an odd look to me, once in while. No one can have enough elephpant.


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Gostei muito da palestra, pena que meu inglês não é tão bom e em alguns momentos dei uma boiada kkkk

Julio Cavalin at 07:37 on 28 May 2017

Muito bom!

Muito boa

Bacana a história do Elephpant

Muito bom, adorei a foto do elefante com a Antarctica! Kkk


Really good know how the elephpant comes to the world :)

Very fanny