Interest Discovery using Adaptive Human Behavioral Analysis


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The perfect closing session for the great conference. Jonathan explains things thoroughly and delivers it in a fun and interesting way.

Great content delivery impeccable

Even if I did appreciated the talk I think there's room for improvement for this one.

I felt a bit of overlapping with your first session in the morning and I'm not sure if I got the scope of this one correctly. I thought we would go deeper with the behavioural aspect, like what users do on your site, I mean their real-time activity/navigation, in addition to what contents they're reading or sharing/manipulating (and so here you can extract terms, weights and whatever is interesting throughout documents).
I think I'd have preferred not see that much of code (although if it was fairly quick) and hear more of your great ideas: it's always a pleasure!

Finally, that was the last one of three days of conference and my head was certainly a bit tired translating so I apologize if it was clearer than I think... ;)