Turn inter-disciplinary projects into success with the help of Gitlab-CI and a bit of coding magic.

In this talk I want to present a solution from the real world to lower the discipline boundaries of concept, design, frontend and backend development to deliver fast results to the client and improve the deliveries with agile principles.


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Sascha Schuh at 23:32 on 24 May 2018

Auch hier gab es einige Denkanstöße zu einem nicht ganz so trivialen Problem.
Vielen Dank für diesen netten, sympatischen, ersten Vortrag bei der PHP UG FFM :-)

Very well done given this was your first public presentation plus the additional challenge of presenting in english. I missed a bit of structure in the talk. Ideally would have explained the problems you were facing in the beginning a bit more and also why a monorepo helps to solve the problem "better" and then move to the section where you show how you solved the problem. Not all attendees might be familiar with the term monorepo, this could have explained a bit more detailed.

Other than that, thanks for stepping up and doing this talk. Would love to hear more from you in the future ;)

Ich sehe das ähnlich wie Stephan. Der rote Faden hat ein bisschen gefehlt. Insbesondere wäre eine Folie hilfreich gewesen, die auf einen Blick den Vergleich zwischen eurem Monorepo-Ansatz und dem "klassischen" Ein-Repo-Je-Komponente-Ansatz ermöglicht.

Großes Lob für den spontanen Wechsel auf Englisch.