We usually think of technology as a tool, something as indifferent as a hammer or a ruler. But in a world where algorithms decide which version of the news you read, pretending our software is detached is naive—or even dangerous. Technology has become an intermediary in nearly every part of our lives, from electronic medical records to online bill-pay systems to apps that remember which craft beers you’ve tasted.

So, when so few technologists (that’s us) are creating software for use by so many (that’s nearly everyone else in the world), how can we do right by them? What responsibility do we have to use our skills for good? And how can we get this right w



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Gabe Ormsby at 10:58 on 26 Jun 2017

Great topic, material, and presentation. I really have nothing to suggest for improvement. I wish I had made it to the related BOF, but camp topics provided tough competition. Thank you for bringing an important perspective to our Camp!