Domain Driven Design for Mere Mortals


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Great content, but the pace was not what I'm used to from Jeff. I know that DDD is not an easy subject to bring and to keep the attention of the audience, I have to say Jeff did a great job.

Next time you're giving this talk, try to either bring more intonation in your voice to emphasise the important parts, or make it less dry by mixing samples with images. All in all, a great talk.

I wish I had heard this talk when I first started learning about DDD a few years ago -- I think Jeff did a good job explaining some of the core concepts, and it was much easier to understand than some of the information that can be found online.

One thing I would recommend is to talk more about benefits and show more examples closer to the beginning in order to stimulate people's interest.

I was not familiar with this topic and it seems rather complex. So, based on my lack of prior knowledge, complexity of the subject, and the length of the talk, Jeff did a good job. It was obvious he really wanted his listeners to understand. I enjoyed hearing about a topic I knew nothing about.

As someone who has given a talk on this same subject, I can attest that this is a terribly difficult subject to distill into a 3 hour, let alone a 50 min talk. Speaker did a good job of keeping pace.

This was the first information I had on DDD and it was very hard to pay attention at first, it felt like it was moving really slowly and dry compared to some other talks. However the second half was very informative and made me want to learn more.