"Clean Code" is code that communicates. But how do we write clean code? In this talk we'll look 5 simple practices that will help you write clean code. We'll see how each one reducing complexity and improves readability. We'll also look some of the common "Code Smells" in PHP and the refactors to clean them up. Don't worry though, we're not just going to "talk". All of these practices and refactors will be done with live coding demos to show you all of the little steps involved so you can start cleaning up your own code.


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Dave Buchanan at 10:47 on 9 Mar 2018

Presenter and his slides were very easy to digest. Best talk I've seen on this topic, at the basic levels for writing "readable" code. The ten principles makes so much sense, and great examples. Would love to see an entire workshop around this talk. Thanks.

Wade Wendorf at 10:50 on 9 Mar 2018

Great talk. I don't agree with all of it, but what programmer ever does agree with every other programmer. :) Your talk gave me a few ideas as well.

you gave me new ways to substantiate my arguments against silly comments! Awesome talk

Riley Major at 10:59 on 9 Mar 2018

Good, sometimes controversial ideas which were unfortunately hampered by legibility. Projectors work better with dark text on a light background at those sizes. Make sure your full name and Twitter handle is visible early in the talk. The last concept, symmetry, was glossed over a bit quickly. Could use more of a sales pitch on primitive obsession (not just what it is and how to avoid it, but why). Good use of audience participation, even if us reserved Minnesotans barely bite.

Noah Bratzel at 11:00 on 9 Mar 2018

Loved this talk. Hit a lot of points that I/we've been thinking about and talking about, and a few that I need to work on. Great points for all developers to keep in mind as they inflict their craft.

Kaleena McHugo at 11:03 on 9 Mar 2018

Great takeaways with 10 practices outlined. Code snippets were helpful and easy to follow. Before and after approach was extremely helpful to see the value. Awesome talk!

Brian Skorseth at 11:03 on 9 Mar 2018

Very useful with helpful examples.

Greg Lyon at 11:18 on 9 Mar 2018

Thanks for the light-hearted and informative talk, Jason!

Brent Mitchell at 11:19 on 9 Mar 2018

Very useful tips on how I can improve my code. Really enjoyed the talk.

Casey Lee at 11:21 on 9 Mar 2018

Easy to follow along and covered big discussions quickly and efficiently.

Adia Alderson at 11:30 on 9 Mar 2018

Great points and actionable items

Mark J Williams at 12:52 on 9 Mar 2018

Many practical suggestions and thought provoking ideas

Great ideas. Legibility of slides could've been improved.

Anonymous at 13:05 on 9 Mar 2018

Great tips and with code examples!

Justin Foell at 17:01 on 9 Mar 2018

Well spoken, good real-world examples I can use in my own code and code reviews.

Good practicals to be applied and improve the readability of our code.

Chris Kipp at 13:26 on 10 Mar 2018

Really great talk. Would love to also hear about suggestions and advice for teams to implement some of these practices that they may not be doing.

Clear, concise presentation with good examples to back up the concepts.