Unit testing can sometimes be tedious to write, hard to maintain, difficult to get good coverage and in some cases its difficult to come up with random (edge cases) unbiased examples. Random testing based on properties can complement unit testing and in some cases even replace them completly.
This talk is a introduction to radom testing, how to define and use properties to test code.


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Outstanding introduction to property testing. Surely, something to go more into detail??

Adela at 10:38 on 8 Oct 2017

Interesantisima charla sobre una "nueva" manera de pensar los tests, y muy buenas preguntas y debate. Nuevas ideas para probar y aprender entre todos

Isidro López at 22:09 on 8 Oct 2017

MUY buena charla de introducción a property-based testing.

Muy interesante para comprender el cambio de enfoque necesario para usar este tipo de testing. En especial me gusto mucho el debate posterior.

Muy buena charla, de un concepto que hasta hoy desconocía

Raúl Lorca at 10:05 on 9 Oct 2017

Una nueva forma de realizar nuestros test.
Interesante el Q & A

A very good introduction to Property based testing, explaining the journey he's walking to be able to use them properly. Very good debate afterwards.

Excellent introduction to Property Testing. Perfect rhythm, clear slides and discourse progression. Another example of value from the experience and the work to shape a clear story. Pretty didactical.

The concept of Property Testing was properly explained and the examples were good.

Mike at 18:27 on 9 Oct 2017

One of the most interesting talks. Great speaker, great topic, excellent examples. Very good introduction.

Good talk about testing based on properties.
Well explained, with examples in a lot of languages.
We have an other specialized tool to complement the TDD when our logic have many variations.

Charla muy pero que muy interesante sobre property-based testing (algo a investigar en profundidad). Buen ritmo y ejemplos claros.

Xavi at 08:58 on 13 Oct 2017

Charla dináminca, ha sido una muy buena introducción al property-based testing.