Baby Steps -> Giant Leaps. (Xdebug for Beginners)


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Great knowledge of the topic. Great answering of questions. Excellent live demos!

Mathew Beane at 12:03 on 1 Oct 2016

Good coverage of xdebug, with install process and setup, and a very good live demo. This talk covered the basics of how to use it, and even as a long term xdebug user I picked up a thing or two I did not know.

Great intro to the topic. I need to go back and actually set up xdebug and stop doing it the hacky way.

Elly Post at 13:03 on 2 Oct 2016

The talk sampled well the xdebug functions.

Alex Fraundorf at 14:18 on 2 Oct 2016

As someone who had never really used xdebug, I now feel comfortable in using its basic functions and will be using it as a much better alternative to var_dump!