Imagine a world where the mobile development team is not constantly surprised by changing endpoints, where frontend developers don’t abuse your carefully crafted APIs and we don’t have to go back again and again to fix or change stuff. In this imaginary land we are able to leave the guesswork out by using API definitions to produce even better designs and automate parts of the process. Together we will explore OpenAPI as a standard way to describe APIs and see how it can help us get there.


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Interesting topic, fluent execution of speech and nice demo

Nice talk and nice topic, thank you!

Very well presented with enough detail on the concept, the tools, the process of adopting this way of implementing APIs (spec-first). I enjoyed the talk and took away couple of things I can improve in the process at the company I work.

The talk was easy to process and interesting. It presented a reason for using the particular tools instead of just presenting them. A good comparison of different alternatives was made.