Spotting bugs is a skill developed over time with practice, but this session will put you on the fast track to being a bug exterminator! One day, your production environment will break and you have to reproduce it on your local box. Worst yet, getting XDebug wired up to step through isn't very straight forward when using Docker, Vagrant, or remote machines. In this session we'll cover how to properly setup XDebug in various situations. We'll cover how to use PHPStorm to step through your PHP and JavaScript code, and other neat features. We'll also cover how to profile your code to find slow bottlenecks in your app. Joshua will also share war stories of battles he's endured and what caused these issues.


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Kevin Stich at 09:46 on 26 Oct 2017

Some issues with the live demo but otherwise a great introduction to XDebug and what it can do for your fixing process.

Elli at 11:10 on 27 Oct 2017

I already use XDebug a lot at work, but still picked up a few tricks I didn't know! Lots of useful information.

Colin O'Dell at 19:16 on 27 Oct 2017

This was a really good talk and could easily be 5 stars with just a little refinement of the live demo. For example:

1. Try using PhpStorm's presentation mode - it "zooms in" the entire UI, not just the code editor, making it easier to see the debug panels.
2. See whether you can have just one demo file to debug. When new code is shown, developers immediately try to read and understand the new code instead of paying attention to what you're saying.
3. Rehearse the live demo many many times, and then do it again.

Nevertheless, I think the amount of content was perfect and I really enjoyed the delivery.

Joshua Ray Copeland (Speaker) at 23:00 on 30 Oct 2017

Thank you for the feedback, it was a pleasure to speak @ ZendCon!