Reusable components perform a great job helping to speed up the development process, increase maintainability and improve code quality. Creating a reusable component that will solve these problems can be tricky. What is the right balance between specific and generic? When the component is abstract and composable enough? How to ensure consistency and follow design guidelines? In this talk, we’ll cover the anatomy and principles of reusable components, we’ll see them sparkling in a giant codebase, and evaluate their benefits. I’ll share how we keep our 1500 buttons consistent and maintainable across the giant codebase.


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Ivan Crudo at 12:41 on 18 Nov 2022

This speech gave me a little more knowledge about micro managements in vue and i think it's useful even for well-navigated people

Interesting speech and presentations that gives possibility to understand how reusable components works. Presentations shows slide by slide like a manual for developers how to use them and understandable for everyone. Great job! Keep going Anna!