Generated Power: PHP 5.5 Generators


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I have toyed around with generators since they were first released with PHP 5.5, but this talk really pushed it further.
5/5, as it taught me stuff I thought I knew more than well enough!

Great talk, paced well with some good examples and easy for a generator novice to follow along. Certainly food for thought and looking for ways to apply what I learnt.

Gary Hockin at 09:54 on 14 Sep 2015

Really enjoyable talk, I would have preferred some more real world examples of when generators are useful including explaining the problem, then showing a solution using arrays, then showing the same solution using generators.

Perfectly done, nice use cases.
I have some experience with generators but wast really taken by it, definitely going to reconsider and try to take advantage of what you just shared with us.
Thanks Mark.