Modern Front-end Development Techniques


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Bob Troutman at 16:28 on 16 Nov 2016

Best presentation so far. Entertaining speaker, lots of good content. I took lots of notes for ideas and tools I can put to use immediately.

Todd Brock at 16:30 on 16 Nov 2016

Nice overview of front end topics. Opinionated about how to do front end, but that's not a bad thing. Good presentation and good bunch of tool recommendations.

Kebing Yu at 16:35 on 16 Nov 2016

Nice overview and useful tool sets to explore

Steven Smith at 09:04 on 17 Nov 2016

Very well spoken with a bunch of great information, learned many new things that I never knew before

Great job reviewing some technologies and giving some ideas on how to implement them for better developer cohesion. Looking forward to trying them out and seeing how they work for us.


By far one of my favorite talks of the entire conference. Very engaging, interesting, relevant and very well executed talk!!

Andy Snell at 18:05 on 19 Nov 2016

Excellent talk -- I walked away with a ton of useful notes.

Great speaker, handles the subject very well. Great talk.