What are enums and how do they go along with constants? Are enums constants? Is there a better way? Why would someone use enums? ... So many questions and so little time but with a little bit of luck, we'll manage to go through all of these questions.


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Great talk

Mario Krvaric at 22:58 on 17 Nov 2017

Great talk! Talk was organized, had a point. There was no live coding, but explanation of things which I like a lot. 10/10 would implement :)

Miro Svrtan at 10:17 on 20 Nov 2017

Great talk Marijan! As I'we started using enums some time ago it was nice to hear about different options and usages, I can now improve some of the details in my own app as well!

I know Marijan was really worried about his English, to be honest for no real reason and improvement from his first talk in English is visible. I hope by this time, his fear of English is behind him and he will be even more eager to speak on local and not so local meetups/conferences.

I really liked how Marijan explained the difference between constants and enums.
I've realized that using enums in this way can be really useful.

Looking forward seeing how Marijan will develop his library, especially Doctrine and Symfony Forms support!??

Great talk

Great talk!

Tomo Šala at 15:51 on 23 Dec 2017

Great talk from Marijan, explaining similarities and differences between enums and plain ole constants, and giving some great pros and cons for use cases in a clearly understandable manner!

Good talk, gave a lot of examples and covered most often approaches for implementations of enums.

Goran Galinec at 22:49 on 23 Jan 2018

What happens when you give steroids to enums :) Good talk.