Avoiding the Mud


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Anonymous at 10:54 on 25 Jun 2014

Imo the best conference by far.

thank you for having made ​​the trip

Very interesting presentation. A thing that could have been interesting is showing a real project using the patterns you showed. That would have been a way to see by ourselves "yes it works and it helps to understand and maintain the code".

Good content, but unfortunately a bit unstructured IMO. Also, you spoke a bit too fast and between the teeth.
Also, I don't thing abstracting *that* far is good, unless it's a huge project that has a foreseen lifespan of 10+ years.

All in all, an interesting talk, glad I attended.

A good presentation, however I can understand that it may see too "abstracted in an ivory tower", especially for short-mid term projects.

Maybe a disclaimer or some notes might explain that CQRS and decoupling that way is an investment, and need to be treated as such: will I get a sufficient ROI from decoupling that much?

Your (british?) accent is present, for sure! You might want to work on it, so you can reach more people :)