Exploiting the Brain for Fun & Profit


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Slides http://www.slideshare.net/AlenaHolligan/exploiting-the-brain-for-fun-profit-ssphp16

Chris Russell at 16:45 on 6 Feb 2016

Through a delightfully fun and engaging session, Alena managed to give us meaningful and insightful insight into our most commonly used tool: our brains. Like any quality discussion about a technical tool, she successfully blends information about the mechanics of the brain and practical strategies for getting the most out of it.

Attending this talk was definitely time well spent!

Chad Russell at 16:47 on 6 Feb 2016

One of my favorite talks!

Very good subject, however I'd like to see some applications related to software development.

Matt Trask at 21:04 on 6 Feb 2016

Was unsure what to expect, but this talk was great. Excellent information and Alena did a great job getting the group involved.

Cory Fisher at 06:22 on 8 Feb 2016

Great talk - I could see the advice applying to any career. You really have a lot of options for presenting this at other conferences.

I love seeing talks like this at tech conferences, as though they are not directly tech related, they focus on personal development that needs to happen in conjunction with the actual tech skills to make you the best you can be.

Presenter was fun, engaging and the interactive pieces helped keep me focused even after a long time of "socializing" and the early morning yoga sessions.

I like your presentation style. The exercises were fun, but one or two of them were a bit disruptive (which might actually have been the point)...On a side-note, the room was very dark, and the desks restricted movement quite a bit.