PHP 7.4 is shaping up to be the most significant PHP release since PHP 7.0, featuring many long-awaited features including typed properties, return type covariance, FFI and (hopefully) short closures. Development of PHP 8.0 has also started, and the first changes are already in.

This talk will introduce the new functionality, with a focus on language and library changes in PHP 7.4 and 8.0. For a coverage of performance-related changes like opcache preloading and JIT, please see Dmitry Stogov’s talk.


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It was very educational talk about new PHP7.4 features. Talk about PHP from the first person like Nikita always give you a lot of food for thoughts, so we discussed a lot after this talk.
It was my pleasure to meet your in Moscow!

About the userland PHP near future from the person who makes it possible. Must listen.

It was interesting, It was great!

Igor Somov at 14:20 on 19 May 2019

Brilliant talk about new features in PHP 7.4! Don’t miss it!