Wax On, Wax Off: Coder Dojo


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Anonymous at 07:46 on 20 May 2015

This presentation was listed at the beginner level. In practice, it required significant skills in PHP to benefit from the exercise. Since my skills are not yet at that level, I think that I would have benefitted more at another presentation.

Very good tutorial. New perspective on how to improve own skills. Thank you!

This has been my favorite talk! I'm definitely going to start doing 45-minute katas in my free time. It was a very interesting and fun session.

Great workshop for what amounted to software design calisthenics. I left inspired to integrate similar exercises into my own workflow.

Yitz has a habit of leaving people wanting more, and this workshop was no exception. As we worked through Conway's Game of Life in three iterations, he would offer glimmers of insight to better solutions, but wouldn't give anything away. It was much an exercise in abstract thought as it was writing code, which was a nice change of pace from writing code for clients.