Zmutowane PHP – testowanie mutacyjne dla początkujących


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Na luzie lecz profesjonalnie i charyzmatycznie poprowadzona prelekcja. Ukłony za live demo. Było świetnie.

Anonymous at 23:08 on 2 Oct 2016

Anonymous at 09:57 on 3 Oct 2016

Anonymous at 10:04 on 3 Oct 2016

Michał Lipek at 10:05 on 3 Oct 2016

Jedna z najlepszych w tym roku. :)

Bardzo konkretna, wiele informacji co z czym. Chyba najlepsza w tym roku.

michal2099 at 10:33 on 3 Oct 2016

Najlepsza prezentacja na jakiej bylem :)

Tytus Ciunelis at 11:07 on 3 Oct 2016

Bardzo dobra prezentacja!

Lukasz at 12:23 on 3 Oct 2016

Ciekawe i ma?o popularne zagadnienie przedstawione w prosty, ale konkretny i efektowny sposób, czyli co? czego bym oczekiwa? od ka?dej prezentacji.

This is really something interesting, a concept that I didn't know about and today - two days after the confernce - one of my colleagues started mutation testing on the application we are currently developing and we started to figure out how we can interpret the results and how we should restructure our code to make it more resilient and our tests to make them more precise. When coming to a big conference these are the things I want to hear about! I would like to see something new from the speaker again next year, as I liked both of his talks very much.

I need to say - Thank You for this. Shame on me, but I wasn't using mutation testing and my knowledge about this was "I heard something about it, but don't remember when" ... this presentation showed me that such approach has sense!