Drinking from the Firehose - Real-time Metrics


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Anonymous at 13:52 on 7 Nov 2015

Anonymous at 13:53 on 7 Nov 2015

Anonymous at 13:54 on 7 Nov 2015

Great presentation and a fantastic subject
One thing I would suggest is to break out your acronyms (for instance DSL, CTR)

Loved the talk! It was fast-paced, but appropriately so, due to how much awesome information was presented. I'd be down for a two hour time slot next time to hear more.

Great presentation. Really interesting. Was a bit like sipping form the firehose for me. :)

Interesting talk! Now I know where to start looking when running into use-cases involving high-throughput streams of realtime data.

Excellent and informative talk makes me wish I was back working in this kind of industry.

Tons and tons of helpful information, yet not at all overwhelming because of the thoughtful structuring. Starting at the beginning of building the real time data pipeline and watching the gradual improvements in the efficiency was super rewarding, and I liked seeing the process behind the design decisions. Great use of humor as well and very entertaining!