Building APIs with Apigility


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Adrian Burden at 13:05 on 18 Oct 2016

Good talk, and David is a good speaker.
The examples were done too fast to keep up with typing in locally.
Would be good to get a copy of the examples so we can copy and paste.

James Stormes at 14:19 on 18 Oct 2016

Yes the examples were too fast. Also don't get side lined with ZF2/ZF3 stuff like DI.

Dan Lanza at 16:11 on 18 Oct 2016

Very useful session. David was able to balance between making sure everyone understands and progressing with the session.

The code we built in the session can be found here:

Robert Black at 11:18 on 20 Oct 2016

Talk was very well done. Speaker went a bit fast to follow along with but it was easy to follow.

Guido Faecke at 09:12 on 21 Oct 2016

Great talk, lots of good information.
Just a little bit to quick to keep up with the example code. (please throw it onto GitHub)

Bryant T at 06:57 on 24 Oct 2016

This was exactly what I was looking for. Dave's presentation laid out everything you needed to know and he was always available to help you if/when you needed it.

The examples were too fast to keep up with, but the content itself was good. The demo code and server could have used some polish since it was difficult for some people to get started and follow along.

Great talk David! Very clear and extremely interesting. Any possibility of posting the demo code on github?

@Marco - The link is a few comments up -