Deploying PHP 7


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Very usefull

Oz at 00:49 on 25 Jun 2016

Hi Rasmus,

It was a very in depth en crystal clear presentation.
You gave us a very good view on how you guys face difficulties to bring PHP to higher level.

I hope you guys are not only recieving complaints and criticism about PHP...
Because I want to emphasize that we (as PHP users) should be thanking you and your team a million times for keeping up the good work and keeping PHP free for everyone for years now.
Without PHP the development scene would be very boring.


Jordy Moos at 19:34 on 25 Jun 2016

Nice tips and tricks

Mariusz Gil at 11:08 on 26 Jun 2016

Thanks for sharing some tips&tricks related to PHP7 deployment. I read your blog post about Atomic Deploys at Etsy 3 years ago and still don't know, why so many projects are deployed badly ;)

Bert Hekman at 21:18 on 26 Jun 2016

Some useful tricks. Especially the part about opcache tweaking is something I'll have to take a look at. However, I thought maybe some tips applied a bit too much to your own environment.

I'd never seen Rasmus speak but he is very easy to listen to and just oozes experience and knowledge. Which is good, but at the same time lost a star because some parts of the presentation are just so specific for very high load setups that it felt too niche for a 5-star rating in my opinion.

Nice insight into PHP 7, really looking forward to use Phan tool for static analysis in my project. Great talk Rasmus!

Anonymous at 14:51 on 27 Jun 2016

Pleasant presentation with a nice mix of showcasing performance, tips for getting your code ready, and tips for getting the most out of your server environment. Very useful to hear before starting our own deployment. Only minus would be that the talk lingered on some minor implementation details a bit long sometimes.

Steven Don at 15:35 on 27 Jun 2016

Overall very useful, though some of the scenarios and tip were a bit too specific for my tastes (particularly the information about NUMA zones -- while good to know -- got more attention than I think it deserved considering how unlikely it is that this will be a serious issue for most).

He started off saying everyone should already know about the performance improvements, but spent some time showing the benefits anyways. Good to be reminded. ;)

The rest of the talk contained many practical details concerning the migration and optimization, very useful. Some details where probably a bit too specific for this talk (pages, NUMA). Overall a valuable presentation.

Igor Shugaev at 23:17 on 29 Jun 2016

Link on slides from Rasmus