Talk in English - US at jsDay 2018
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Modules are an essential part of any non-trivial JavaScript application which requires more than a single code file. And while modules have been a standard part of JavaScript Since ES2015, it has taken browsers a while to support them. During this time, developers have turned to tools such as WebPack, Rollup, and Browserify. These solutions have completely changed the way we write and deploy our web applications. But now that browsers are starting to support ES2015 modules, it's a good time to examine if these solutions are still relevant. In this session I will show why built-in browser support for ES2015 modules is a Game Changer, and how, when combined with additional new JavaScript features and network protocols, can revolutionize the way in which we package and deploy web applications. I will explain in detail, the benefits and limitations of browser support for ES2015 modules, and highlight their advantages over existing JavaScript packaging solutions.
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Clear talk, very nice examples!
Very interesting topic, very good speaker. (Another) Revolution is coming!
Very very very interesting talk. For me "a little window on the future". Good explanation of native module vs webpack comparison. Thanks Nir!
Great talk and great speaker.
Thinkfull great talk... nice overview about new tech trend on es module, clear explanation about we need to wait for use it!!! Great!
IMHO the best talk on the conference.
The speaker presented a _very_ on-the-edge argument with a huge selection of personal measurement and comparing them with older approaches). What I liked most:
* he shared possible errors maybe due to bugs in his approach, or maybe browsers issues
* the final message, that was not "cool! let's use ES modules everybody", but warned the audience that probably the revolution is near... but not still ready.
Very clear and useful, great talk!