So, you've written some code. It looks good to you, and you decide to make it available to the general public on GitHub. However, looking at other repos, you see badges and badges everywhere. Let's dive in and inspect what's hidden behind those badges – some are there just to show off while the others just might reveal some cool information.



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Miro Svrtan at 00:26 on 19 Jan 2018

Mario did a great overview of services that you can use on you public GitHub repo: from TravisCi to run your tests to ScrutinizerCI, CodeClimate and SensioLabsInsights to help you with code quality and to store your code coverage reports and show them in much nicer way.

I think that a 30 minute slot was too ambitious, while I use lot of them I can understand that for those that don't it might have been overwhelming amount of information: while yes, it was great overview and now you can go and deep dive into them, not sure that the 'why should I use them' or 'what they helped me with' was clear enough.

For the speaker suggestions, I don't have really too much to say, english was good, talk was prepared well! Hope to see Mario speak more often and share his knowledge with rest of us!

Good talk! I've learned about all those fancy badges and what are they all about.

If I had an open source repo ? I'd definitely use some of services Mario presented. Thanks for stickers, great initiative for getting audience involved, too bad only few of us had public repo, hope we'll fix that soon :)

Looking forward to hear more talks from Mario!

Great talk! I got a good cross-section and comparison of available CI services and code quality tools. Definitely, learned a lot of new things.

Mario Blažek (Speaker) at 11:42 on 26 Jan 2018

Thank you all for comments, any feedback is appreciated. Btw, I've uploaded slides to

Nino Uzelac at 16:24 on 4 Feb 2018

Interesting overview of CI tools, would like to try some of them now.

Great talk! I would like to hear more details about the tools used but there wasn't enough time.