Short introduction into the problem of finding good developers and how to address this. Followed by time for a discussion round.


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Mehr Diskussionsrunde als Talk, aber die Matrix der Dos & Don'ts bei der Developersuche war auf jeden Fall eine gute und hilfreiche Diskussionsgrundlage. Ich denke, dass wir alle auf englisch diskutiert haben, hat die Diskussion etwas schwierigier gemacht, und vielleicht wurden manche Teilnehmer davon etwas abgeschreckt. Einige Teilnehmer-Kommentare bzgl. Diversity fand ich auch nicht so toll, aber Jan hat das sehr gut moderiert *thumbsup*

Jan Gregor Triebel (Speaker) at 09:18 on 22 Jan 2018

I am well aware of the fact that it is highly unusual to comment on your own session. However, as this was more a moderated discussion (instead of the usual talk that features only one speaker with maybe some questions at the end), I wanted to give my feedback to the group as well.

I really appreciated all the input, comments and remarks I have gotten throughout the debate. I was admittedly rather anxious at first, but now I feel like this is the kind of format we as a user group should invest more in. It really drives engagement with the audience and also lightens the load on the preparation side (Sure I had to do some organisation as well, and maybe prep some questions for sparking a debate in case nobody was participating, but all in all it amounted to far less work than prepping a "real" talk from ground up.)

So again, a huge thank you to everybody that participated, these ratings here are also yours !