TUTORIAL: Clean application development


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Anonymous at 11:01 on 19 Nov 2013

Found this session to be enriching, the second part concerning the coding practices was more interesting, but I got some new perspectives on many elements of a project cycle / and development.

I now need to practice some of these pointers given ;)

I really enjoyed this session. It was a session full of energy and alot of info. It has brought up some errors me and my development team are making at this moment. And this gives us the insight to do something about it.
Great session!

Excellent session, highlighting a lot of short-comings in my own approach to development as well as the development teams I am involved with. Lots to fix on my return to work

I liked this session very much.
Entertaining, informative and to the point.

I already use many of your mentioned practices which saves me a lot of headaches. Especially when it comes to unit testing and refactoring.

At the end of the session I said to myself that even if I leave the event now I would not sorry I attended.

You showed very deep observations and analysis over the develoment members, process and results, structured all that informations in a very understandable way and presented it perfect.

It was helpful and stimulating.

This session is of great help to me and my company. I can clearly see which areas need more attention and what steps to take. Adam is a great speaker.

WOW what an eye-opener...
great toppic and great speech

Great session, a lot of practical tips for how to be efficient. Very positive and motivating

This talk was one which inspired me the most. Very clean facts about how software development should be managed. Adam is full of energy and clean thoughts.

Best talk talk in my opinion.

A great presentation all round.

i would have liked to attend to this, but I thought it was only workshops on monday, not presentations like this.

Anonymous at 03:11 on 25 Nov 2013

Great tutorial giving a good picture of the development process from different perspectives. May be next time state that the the slides are available before starting the tutorial, so one can concentrate on the talk and write down only important stuff to the notes.

Thank you for making the development lifecycle consistent and thank you for teaching right steps.
Communication is the key to any other step! And thank you for giving us the energy of development.

I found that my team is on the right way and as PHP devs we are doing pretty well. :)

Anonymous at 13:21 on 28 Nov 2013

This guy had an awesome talk. Very motivating to do it the right way. thank you.